All the time, Every time, All of us, Everywhere! - The intentional transformation of a failing school - Ian Taylor
Congratulations To
Term 3 Whānau Comp Winners

Adventurous risk takers; persistent focussed achievement

Our web site should leave you wondering, imagining and excited about the journey our students are on. It introduces you to, and is designed to give you an outline of life at Manurewa Intermediate School. It does not attempt to provide all the answers, but we trust, acts as an informative guide that will help answer any queries you may have and lets you know how our school operates and the things we do.  It also conveys to you the hopes we have for your children and conjures up something of the complexity and energy of the experience that is life at our school. We trust you will find it informative and relevant. Welcome to our school!

Iain Taylor

Award-winning school

Award-winning school sparks further momentum

Take a look at this article published by the education gazette.


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ERO Report

ERO Report

Look at our latest ERO report. We do not settle for mediocrity and we will continue to build on this successful report by being better than we were yesterday.

Manurewa Intermediate Graduate Profile

Our kids will leave Manurewa Intermediate equipped to be…
A positive, optimistic and confident attitude and approach with a sense of fun.
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Risk Taker
A comfort with risk, be industrious and persistent with challenges.
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Effective communication and collaboration skills with a well-rounded outlook on life.
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Compassion, honesty, initiative and be trustworthy.
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A good grounding in the academic basics and experiences across a broad curriculum.
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A love of learning, with a thirst for knowledge and curiosity about life - to have ambition. They will have a continual desire to strive to be the best they can be with a strong and responsible work ethic and attitude.
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A strong set of personal beliefs, with a social conscience and an acceptable level of self-belief/self-esteem that makes them capable of dealing with success and/or disappointment in a realistic way.
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A respect for self, others and property.
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Excellence in Engaging - Atahapara Award
The Prime Minister's Supreme Award -  Takiri Ko Te Ata

Be at school every day before 830am #NoExcuses